Saturday, December 15, 2012

CopyFlow Gold for InDesign CS6 - 1.07

We have added a Clear Overrides menu item to this version of CopyFlow Gold.

It has two uses:

i) Users round-tripping text in the RTF format who export nicely styled text (with no typographic overrides) have found some typographic attributes set as overrides once the Adobe RTF filter has finished importing the text.  Clear Overrides provides  a quick way to clean up these formatting errors.

ii) In some scenarios excessive typographic overrides need to be removed before translation to the improve 'segmentation' for machine assisted translation. Clear Overrides simply clears all the typographic overrides on a designated portion of an InDesign document - leaving only the styled formatting in effect. This is a first step in better segmentation for all the CFG formats.  More details...